Thursday, January 11, 2018

Errrmergerd, so tiny. So loud. Like my Boston Terrier.

 This teeny weeny Bluetooth speaker works with both of my Galaxy phones (4s and 6) as well as with my Kindle Fire HD tablet. I've listened to music, audio books and podcasts using this bullet type speaker without any sound quality issues.

 As shown in the video, there seems to be some issues with lag as The Cult video is really several seconds off when watching his lips. I'm sure this can be corrected, which I'll need to look into as I'd like to use this tiny speaker hooked up to my HD TV in my living room to make it a but quieter at night when I watch TV.

 My Boston Terrier HATES this speaker although he's never reacted to my phone or laptop or desktop so I guess it sounds super realistic to him? You can also pause then play the music/podcast media using the button on the bottom of the speaker, which is helpful when I'm in another room far away from my device.

 Charges with USB, power lasts for hours and turns itself off when not in use. Instructions show you how to use it as a selfie timer as well. Quite a value for the small cost!

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