Thursday, December 7, 2017

Literally Holding the Cookie Jar, A Dog Training Treat Bag Review

I'm not going to pretend that my Boston Terrier is obedience trained. He isn't.

 What he IS trained to do is be a household companion that I enjoy interacting with and that's really all I ask of him. He has been housebroken since he was five months old without any accidents and that's pretty accomplished for an intact dog raised in a third story apartment who was trained on pee pads and grass sod squares on a patio. He's never marked inside our home or in anyone else's home we've visited (but hey, ya never know). 

 He is an excellent apartment dog and the ultimate family dog to boot.  Boston Terriers are known for their bright, engaging personalities and their patience with kids.  My Boston was about ten months old when my son was born and has been the most trustworthy and well adjusted of all the dogs I've had (and I've had A LOT OF DOGS). I used a lot of crating and tethering and force training with my other dogs, with Solaire I decided I would let him show me authentic self and I'd shape those behaviors into something I could live with. Is his excellent demeanor inherited or did allowing him to develop at his own pace and letting him offer behavior produce what he is? I'm not sure but I know I'll never put a shock collar on another dog or make them stay in crates or pop a leash correction ever again and see if I get another outstanding family dog. You can train the method that's right for you, obviously. 

Now that we're clear on how AWESOME my Boston is, let me show you this neat dog crack treat holder I was given for review. It came with a fun little flat storing silicone water bowl on a carabiner and a simple clicker device on a coil so you can click and treat your dog's way to success and influence, just like my Solaire. 

 The treat bag has a lot more features than my previous treat bag HOWEVER it is missing what would give it FIVE STARS: Having a flexible metal rim that allows the bag to stay open or pop shut as needed. I didn't have an issue fumbling with treats while the bag is new and rigid but a lot of use might cause it to be difficult to open with one hand for precise treat timing. I'm sure your dog will forgive your slow fumbling but an open bag would be the only improvement I can see needed.


 This bag has so many options to keep it on your bod, from a metal waistband clip to a removable reflective crossbody strap (you can really see the glare from the reflective strip for the dusk training session I guess), plus a thick plastic clip with a very generous removable waistband belt if you wear it that way. I like wearing it crossbody style with the waistband belt to hold the bag in place while I work on getting Solaire to pay attention to me during walks. He doesn't pull but he does love a leisurely sniff walk and I also like to distract him from staring at other dogs and keep him moving just to be safe. He doesn't bark at or act out towards other dogs as long as they don't charge at us aggressively when my toddler is with us, see what I mean about being a great family dog? Having some treats to practice "Look at me, let's go" helps reward his natural inclination to stay with me.

The bag has a flexible mesh pocket on the front for toys or something, I'm not sure why.

There's a zipper compartment behind the mesh pocket where you can stick your phone or keys or whatever. There's a lime green interior to the main bag and you can keep it tucked inside for easy access to treats. 

    Oh hey, you can pull that lime green bag shut on a drawstring to keep stuff from falling out while traveling or not in use. I'm assuming the bag can be gently washed and air dried as well. All in all well worth the purchase as its sturdy and has a lot of options. There's a tiny zipper pocket with a hole to pull your dog poop bags out of on the back of the bag, under the metal clip. I tie my bags like bows onto my leash handle for easy scooping. 


 Here's a short video with my dog pretending he doesn't know anything cute and my toddler being himself. Plus a quick overview of the treat bag but mostly the toddler.

 I get like NO comments so maybe someone can tell me about their dog, or why they would or wouldn't be interested in this product? 

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